吕昊,男,1976年生,江苏徐州人,yl8cc永利线路检测中心副教授,主要从事特种光学材料与微光学器件研究。2005年4月毕业于长春理工大学材料学专业,获工学硕士学位;2009年6月毕业于长春理工大学光学专业,获理学博士学位。现为yl8cc永利官网科学技术协会常务委员、美国光学学会会员和中国硅酸盐协会会员、以及国际著名光学期刊Opt. Express.、Appl. Opt.和Opt. Commun.等期刊审稿人。到目前为止共发表论文30余篇,其中被SCI和EI收录20余篇,并承担湖北省自然科学基金和教育厅青年基金各一项。
[1]Hao Lv, Yaoming Ding, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, Xinming Wang, “Theoretical research on chromatic aberration of gradient refractive index polymeric rod lens”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2013
[2]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, Xinming Wang, Yaoming Ding,“Fabrication of gradient refractive index rod lens using double ion exchange processes”, Opitcal, Engineering, 2011
[3]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi,Qianguang Li, Xinming Wang, Yaoming Ding,“Multistep ion exchange processes of gradient refractive index rod lens”, Optics letters, 2011
[4]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, Xinming Wang, Yaoming Ding, “Nondestructive measurement of refractive index profile of gradient refractive index rod lens”, Review Of Scientific Instruments, 2010
[5]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi,Qianguang Li, “Gradient refractive index square lenses. I. Fabrication and refractive index distribution”, Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optids Image Science And Vision, 2009
[6]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Xunong Yi ,Qianguang Li, “Numerical analysis of low chromatic aberration of a gradient refractive index rod lens”, Applied Optics, 2009
[7]Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Yun Wu, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, “Coupling efficiency of optical coherence tomography system with gradient refractive index rod lens as reference arm”, Journal Of Modern Optics, 2009
[8]Hao Lv, Yaoming Ding, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, “Nucleation agent choice of Li2O-AI2O3-SiO2 glass ceramic having ideal micro spherical cystal grains”, Advanced Materials Research, 2011
[9]Hao Lv, Yaoming Ding, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li, Chen Chen, Bangren Shi, “Research on annealing temperature of SiO2 on Si substrate”, Advanced Materials Research, 2011
[10]Hao Lv, Bangren Shi, Lijun Guo, and Aimei Liu, “Fabrication of Maxwell fish-eye spherical lenses and research on distribution profiles of gradient refractive index”, Optical Society of America, 2008
[1]吕昊,硅基梯度折射率透镜,中国,ZL 201110365711.5